Networking might seem a little daunting at first, but don’t worry. To get started, try out these pointers. Once that has been mastered, we have some advanced networking tips help keep the developed network strong.
Stay in contact with the people in your network. It doesn’t have to be on a weekly or even monthly basis. If it is appropriate, invite network members to company events like holiday parties, company picnics, or corporate dinners. Sending holiday cards is a quick and easy way to let a network member know they are still valued. However, it is vital to know when it is appropriate to do so. Don’t send cards for obscure holidays, every holiday or specific religious holidays.
If members of your network are invited to company functions, introduce them to people. This can not only help expand your network, but it will also make them feel welcome. Follow proper introduction etiquette and try not to overdo it.
Do More for Others
When working with people in your network, find unique ways to let them feel their time is worthwhile. If you take the time to listen to critiques, take notes and follow through with changes, network members will respect the company represented and possibly recommend services to others. Other things that can make network members feel appreciated would be nominating people in network for newspaper awards, donating to their charities or volunteering. Be involved with the members of the established network.
In the post, “Five Networking Tips for 2016,” social media was recognized as a great way to create a network. Once that network is created, continue utilizing social media to post pictures about the company and things others in the network have done for the company. If someone sends a holiday card, photograph it and put it up online. This will open the door to connect with other businesses in a different and more personal way.
Networks can change daily, but with these tips it can be for the better.