
Day: April 18, 2018

Recruiter Raya

HR/MSPs: How to Get Better Qualified Candidates from Vendors

better_candidates_vendorHR managers that work with managed service providers (MSPs) for their staffing needs often make the mistake of assuming a hands-off approach works best. However, mutual success can only be achieved when the HR manager works alongside the MSP to achieve goals, execute strategies and maintain open communication. An HR-MSP relationship requires ongoing follow-up and problem solving.

Understand MSP Specializations
When organizations employ an MSP, they may choose which staffing services and HR activities they will outsource and which they will keep internally managed. Using an MSP does not relinquish overall responsibility and accountability. MSPs usually excel at performing complex, repetitive and time-consuming work at competitive rates with reliable efficiency. They may specialize in business functions that are non-customer facing, such as IT, staffing, payroll, compliance, human resources, contract management and workforce procurement.

The Initial Assessment and Ongoing Feedback
Experienced MSPs will offer opportunities to their clients to meet and discuss candidate profiles, performance expectations and general staffing decisions. Many organizations participate in the initial HR discussion, then ignore follow-up appointments at their own loss. HR managers should schedule formal, face-to-face check-ins to discuss current concerns, future plans and potential opportunities for improvement. MSPs know how to take care of their clients, but they cannot read people’s minds, nor can they predict hiring preferences without factual information.

Track and Measure Performance
MSPs always provide their clients with regular reports, but HR managers who fail to track and trend how things are going will be unable to quantify long-term success. MSPs should have their own goals to establish accountability and guarantee transparency. HR managers should collaborate with MSPs to share ideas and information. They should regularly discuss what is and isn’t working in terms of staffing referrals, meeting deadlines, resume reviews, quality candidates and new hire feedback.

The best way for HR managers to achieve relationship success with their MSPs is through open and regular communication. As the MSP better understands the organization, their results and recommendations will be better. Contact us to learn how outsourcing IT and staffing solutions will drive cost savings, process efficiency and risk mitigation for your organization.

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