Prezume: An Interactive Resume Alternative


You’ve checked the websites, you’ve researched companies, and you’ve turned in your resume for a job you really want. But your resume is only one paper in a stack on the desk of the hiring manager. How do you get yours to stand out? Well, how about trying an interactive resume in addition to (or instead of) a flat paper resume. But where do you start? Why not try a Prezume?

A Prezume is simply a resume put into the web-based platform Prezi. It is free to use Prezi, but under the terms of the free account any presentation that you make will be labeled as public and reusable. This means that anyone with a Prezi account can search for your presentation and recycle it to use it as their own. If you would like to have the ability to hide or make your presentation private there is a fee starting at $4.29 per month for the entry level service. However, to sign up for a free account simply go to the Prezi website and all that is required is a valid email address.

Now, how will Prezi make your resume memorable? Well, Prezi is an interactive presentation platform that allows you to embed a pathway of information, much like PowerPoint. However, unlike PowerPoint, Prezi allows for movement. The receiver of the presentation has the option to either follow the pathway that you created or they can jump to different sections of the presentation. Either way, the Prezume experience will be one that will make your future employer take notice.

However, please remember that not all jobs warrant a flashy resume. Cater to the position you are applying for and research what each employer desires in an employee. Having said that, a Prezume is a good way to throw a little innovation into your resume without going overboard. Check out a sample Prezume.

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