Job Search Tips For Recent Graduates

It is that time of year again; graduation is in the air! Are you a student getting prepared to graduate from college or a recent grad ready for that first serious job? Do you need help in getting started? Well, you are in luck! Below are six tips you need to know to help you stand out from the rest and get the job!

Do Your Research

Always research the organization prior to submitting your resume and again before the interview. Knowing the company’s most recent projects and successes, such as awards and charitable actions, shows that you have done your homework. You can also set up Google Alerts for each of your top employment prospects for an easy way to stay up-to-date on their most recent news.

Think Broadly

Expand the number of fields you are considering working in. This will give you more job options when conducting your job search. Though, always remember you should try to find jobs that fit your qualifications and educational background. Companies do not waste time on those who are not qualified.

Tailor your resume

To get best results, tailor your resume to the job you are applying for. It only takes a few extra steps to customize your resume to fit the job description. Simple, generic resumes fail to catch the eye of recruiters and hiring managers. Remember to proofread at least three times to make sure that you do not have any grammatical errors on your cover letter and resume.

Highlight Educational Experiences

Many recent graduates do not have much work experience to put on their resume. Highlighting college courses and recent school projects that are directly relevant to the job will help make up for the lack of work experience. Always state what the project was about, what skills or methods were used and the outcome.

Build a Career Network

In today’s job market, it is all about whom you know, so start networking if you have not already. Ask everyone you know if they have any connections to the types of jobs you are looking for. It is also a good idea to set up informal interviews with professionals working in the fields you wish to go into after you graduate. This can help you determine if the job or career is right for you.

Use Social Media

Using social media correctly can help you increase your chances of getting a job. Clean up your social media profiles to make sure they are professional and ready for employer inspection. Focus on LinkedIn because it is the #1 website for job seekers and employers. Spending time mastering social media will be well worth the investment.

Use your college’s career office

If you are really having a hard time finding a job or getting an interview, your college career center might be able to help. College career offices are for current students and alumni. They are there to help you with your resume and interview skills. They can also help match you up with an interview.

Remember: stay positive, sell yourself, dress for success, be productive and never be afraid to ask for help!

For more opportunities please visit our Career Portal.

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