
Author: Recruiter Raya

Recruiter Raya

Three Ways to Tell If a Candidate Is Lying

Tell if a Candidate is Lying

It may not always be an easy feat, but learning how to spot a lie can be a very helpful skill to have – especially in a position of leadership and at the interview table.
People can control their words, but often times, they are not able to control the automated responses their body conveys when they lie. Here are three “tells” that could indicate that a person is not being completely honest.

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Recruiter Raya

Have a Conversation, Not an Interrogation

Police Detective Interrogating A Prisoner In Handcuffs

It’s easy for job candidates to sit through an interview and feel as though they are on an unequal footing with the hiring manager. This is sometimes due to their own anxiety or their preconceived notions about how the interview will go. At other times, their anxiety directly relates to the hiring manager conducting the interview. Here are three tips to ensure that interviews look more like a conversation than an interrogation. Spotting a bad interview is a wakeup call to take a more effective approach in the next interview.

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Recruiter Raya

The Importance of Skills Updates and Development

If you are lucky, your organization has one or more full-time trainers who handle the process of collecting and sharing skill update and development resources. An organized trainer stores all documents, websites and physical training aids in a central location and can easily find these resources upon request. Getting your hands on many kinds of job-related information is just a matter of asking the trainer.

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