
Sonu Ratra Recognized With “Doer Award” by Silicon Valley Leadership Group

SV_leadership_awardsLast week the Silicon Valley Leadership Group celebrated the valley’s brightest CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, and community leaders at the Celebration of Diversity: Global Roots in Business Dinner. The event, sponsored by Alaska Airlines, celebrates those who dream the impossible, defend the defenseless and do the formidable to make the immigrant story the innovation story in Silicon Valley. The honorees cross industries but have a common interest and passion in making the Silicon Valley experience inclusive, enriching, and uplifting for immigrants in business and our community.

This year, Akraya’s own Sonu Ratra was awarded the Doer Award as a leader who’s everyday actions embody the values set forth by the SV Leadership Group. 

Sonu_SV_leadership_award“It was a wonderful evening of celebration and recognition,” said Sonu. “I am honored to be included with so many accomplished individuals.”

The Silicon Valley Leadership Group, founded in 1978 by David Packard of Hewlett-Packard, represents nearly 365 of Silicon Valley’s most respected employers on issues, programs and campaigns that affect the economic health and quality of life in Silicon Valley including energy, transportation, education, housing, health care, tax policies, economic vitality and the environment. The Leadership Group members collectively provide nearly one of every three private sector jobs in Silicon Valley and generate more than $3 trillion in annual revenue.