How to Make Your Resume More VMS-friendly


ResumeMore and more companies are adopting software to manage their labor, sourcing and hiring functions. A vendor management system (VMS) is a centralized solution that provides workforce data, metrics and functionality. These systems use standardized rules and customized protocols for screening applicants, so it’s important to ensure that your resume is VMS-friendly.

Why Companies Like VMS Software
VMS software, which is typically accessed via the Internet and stored in the cloud, allow HR managers to ensure that HR management and procurement staff are following business policies and practices. They eliminate the inherent errors that come with managing geographically diverse work forces. VMS systems offer HR department enforceable rules and clear standards, so this increases compliance and mitigates risks. However, automatic resume screening and complex application rules mean that job hunters are more likely to experience rejection for irrelevant reasons.

(Read The Anatomy of an IT Job Search)

Leverage Keywords
First, seek the help of a mentor or someone who works in the industry who can specify the skill phrases and experience keywords that matter the most. Ask what licenses, procedures, responsibilities and industry certifications are expected. Be sure to repeat the important keywords two or three times throughout the resume and cover letter. Using too many keywords may trigger the VMS’ spam filter and it may turn-off the HR manager who must read the content. Next, add the job description’s wording in your resume, but avoid word-for-word matches.

Re-style Your Resume
Avoid using headers and footers in your Word document because this may confuse the VMS’ algorithms. Resumes that are embedded with fancy logos, images, tables and graphics will also confuse the VMS filters. Use bulleted sentences instead of paragraphs to describe your work skills and experience. This is easier for robotic and human eyes to visually digest. Use both acronyms and the full form of titles, organizations and professional lingo together. Use a familiar document font, such as Calibri and Tahoma, with at least an 11-point font.
There are online resume services available that help job hunters identify the right keywords to use in their resume. There are also helpful staffing and consulting firms available that provide job search and placement services.