
Author: Raya


Job Search Tips For Recent Graduates

It is that time of year again; graduation is in the air! Are you a student getting prepared to graduate from college or a recent grad ready for that first serious job? Do you need help in getting started? Well, you are in luck! Below are six tips you need to know to help you stand out from the rest and get the job!

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What Employers Want to Learn From Reference Checks

Most prospective employers will ask you to provide several professional references during your final interviews or before you can officially join the team. It’s not surprising that your interviewer would be interested in speaking with people who have worked with you in the past, but what exactly are they trying to learn when they speak with your references?

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How To Take On More Responsibility At Work

Taking on more responsibility at work can be a tricky endeavor. If you are feeling underutilized or could use a more challenging project, it certainly can make for a dull day at work. On the other hand, you don’t want to appear like you are an expendable employee who is not actively contributing to the organization. What approach should you take if you’d like to increase your workload and possibly speed up the path to promotion, but do not want to portray yourself in a negative light?

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Successfully Negotiate Your Salary

You’ve blazed through the first and second interview rounds and have been presented with a job offer. That’s great, but what happens if the initial offer is lower than you were prepared to accept? Many people feel reluctant to negotiate for a higher salary for fear that their counteroffer will be rejected, or worse – the entire offer rescinded. Others believe they should feel lucky to even have a job offer in an economy this rough. In all cases, if you believe that your experience and skills demand a higher salary than what was offered, take care to proceed with your salary negotiations the right way.

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Make Your Return to Work After Kids

Recruiting Raya is introducing a new, bi-weekly series called Ask a Recruiter. In these blog posts, we’ll give our readers insider advice about the topics you’re most interested in. We’ll feature an interview with one of AKRAYA’s experienced recruiters to give job seekers the info they want – straight from a recruiter’s mouth. You want answers? We’ve got them.

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